Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dr Seyed Mohammad Hassan Hosseini PhD Thesis Abstract

“Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Methods: A Study with Iranian and Indian Undergraduate Learners”
Abstract of the Research Study:
This comparative empirical research study sought to explore and examine the complex effects of my instructional innovation, Competitive Team-Based Learning (CTBL), with Learning Together or Cooperative Team-Based Learning (Cooperative TBL), developed by Johnson and Johnson at the University of Minnesota in the USA,  and the Traditional Lecture Method (TLM) on Iranian and Indian EFL/ESL undergraduate learners’: (a) reading comprehension in English, (b) language learning strategies, (c) attitudes towards English language learning and the select teaching methods, and (d) retention of information. All these objectives were addressed with respect to different-level achievers of the target groups with the help of field studies and experiments in Iran and India. Twelve hypotheses were developed to see the effectiveness of the select three teaching methods with regards to the objectives of the study.
One hundred and ninety-two second-year Engineering students from two colleges – one in Iran and another in India -- served as the subjects of the study for nine weeks in three groups in each country. All the groups were subjected to a reading course with the same schedule of instruction and the teacher. While positive interdependence was encouraged in the Cooperative TBL classes in order to ensure inter-group collaboration for the attainment of the groups’ shared learning goals, inter-group competition was patterned in the CTBL classes so as to motivate the teams’ members to work together and compete against the other teams in course of pursuing their teams’ outcomes. And neutral interdependence was highlighted in the control groups (TLM classes) to encourage the participants to follow their learning goals individually and irrespective of others.
The reading section of International English Language Testing System, “IELTS” 2 textbook (Kohonen, 1992), was employed as the pretest and the posttest in order to assess the effects of the select teaching methods on the reading comprehension of the target groups. The participants’ scores on the reading pretest were also used to divide them into three groups in each country. They were likewise applied for forming teams in the experimental groups. To find out the effects of the select teaching methods on the participants’ language learning strategies, they were asked to complete the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) survey, developed by Oxford (1990), before and after the experiments. Likewise, the Language Learning and Class Structure Questionnaire, developed by this researcher, was used as the pretest and the posttest in order to measure the effects of the methods on the attitudes of the target groups. A delayed free-recall test was conducted after the experiments to determine the effects, if any, of the methods on the retention of information by the learners involved in the study.    
Analyses of the select parameters were done using Statistical Presentation System Software (SPSS) package (SPSS, 2006). Analysis of Variance was used to determine the significance of the findings of the study with reference to each of the select dependent variables. It became evident from the analysis of the data gathered that CTBL and Cooperative T-BL served to (a) increase acquisition of texts contents, (b) widen repertoire of language learning strategies, (c) generate positive attitudes, and (d) improve retention of information, on the part of the target groups more significantly than the TLM. Further analysis of the data revealed that whereas Cooperative T-BL was substantially more effective in developing the reading skills of the participants, CTBL was more successful in developing their metacognitive and affective strategies. It was likewise noted that CTBL facilitated the participants’ long-term retention of information or their depth of understanding of the texts contents more effectively than Cooperative T-BL. The results also indicated that it was Cooperative T-BL, rather than CTBL, that was more successful in Iran. But, in India, it was CTBL. In conclusion, i have discussed the pedagogical implications of using CL methods, and accordingly have made certain recommendations. Based on my findings, i have also made a few suggestions for further research in the arena of methods and approaches which prioritise the significance of groupwork.
Keywords: Competitive Team-Based Learning; Cooperative Team-Based Learning; Lecture Method; Reading Comprehension; Language Learning Strategies; Attitude; Retention                                                                    
(381 pages)

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